التصنيف: الصين التونسي صناعة الأخبار
Customized IoT devices Quality Control in our company
Quality Control Systems We provide IoT devices products that are safe, effective and reliable. We offer the highest quality and value to our customers. With 14+ years of experiences in IoT DEVICES manufacturing services, our factory achieved ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, UL, IPC, and BQB certification. Customized IoT products from the development, incoming materials management, mass…
مقدمة NB-التونسي التكنولوجيا
Introduction to NB-IoT Technology In today’s digital age, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we live and work at an unprecedented rate. Among these changes, NB-IoT (NarrowBand Internet of Things) technology stands out with its unique advantages, becoming a key driver for widespread IoT applications. This article will delve into the features,…
إذا ورا التكنولوجيا آمنة اختيار
LoRa technology basics Knowledge There are several key elements of LoRa technology. Some of its key features include the following: Up to Millions of nodes Long battery life; in spare of ten years Long range; 15-20 km. There are various elements of LoRa technology that provide overall connectivity and functionality. LoRa protocol stack: LoRa Alliance…
ما هي التطبيقات من ورا التكنولوجيا ؟
LoRa wireless technology suits a variety of applications needs low power consumption and reliability real time data transmission. The long-range and low-power feature enables the endpoints to be deployed in a wide variety of places. No matter far or near, outside or inside buildings, they have the ability to communicate with the gateway reliably and…
لورا مقابل LoRaWAN, ما هو الفرق ؟
LoRa describes the lower physical layer, the upper networking layers were absent. LoRaWAN is one of the numerous protocols that were developed to describe the upper layers of the network. What Is The Difference Between LoRa And LoRaWAN® Networks? LPWAN (Low-power wide-area network) It is a wireless wide-area network technology that interconnects low-bandwidth, battery-powered IoT…
كيف لورا تكنولوجيا العمل ؟
How does LoRa technology work? LoRa wireless uses spread spectrum modulation, which spreads a narrowband signal over a wider channel bandwidth. Its long-range wireless magic comes from some clever optimizations: Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) This is the physical layer modulation technique used by LoRa radio. CSS works by taking a sinusoidal signal and changing its…
ما هو ورا و LoraWan التكنولوجيا ؟
What is LoRa Technology ? The Internet of Things (IoT) is driving demand for wireless connectivity across industries. Companies in industries from supply chain to infrastructure want to monitor remote assets, track shipments, digitize equipment, and more without going to the real sites. However, many wireless technologies like WiFi and Bluetooth alone can’t meet the…
كيفية تصميم اللاسلكية التونسي تمكين الذكية موزعات في الذكي الخاص بك نظام إدارة
إرشادات تصميم اللاسلكية التونسي تمكين الذكية موزعات في الإدارة الذكية نظام 1. الربط و التكامل 2. استشعار الاختيار والتعيين 3. الكفاءة في استهلاك الطاقة 4. سهولة الاستخدام وسهولة الوصول إليها 5. أمن البيانات والخصوصية التطبيقات في العالم الحقيقي و فوائد دمج الذكية ورق التواليت, موزعات منشفة و الصابون و المطهر مراقبة استخدام موزعات إلى الذكية...
ثورة التنقل في المناطق الحضرية: التونسي الذكية أنظمة وقوف السيارات
مقدمة يوميا بزيادة عدد المركبات على الطريق أدى إلى تزايد الطلب على كفاءة حلول مواقف السيارات. وقوف السيارات التقليدية الأساليب غالبا ما يؤدي إلى الازدحام وإهدار الوقت السائقين البحث عن البقع. أدخل إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) مواقف السيارات الذكية نظام حلا المتطورة المصممة لمعالجة هذه...